How to Live a Long Life – Small
Changes That Can Have a Big Impact
on Your Health
If you want to live a long life, there are a few things you can do biz.suratkhabar. Those things include
eating well, getting regular exercise and staying calm. But while those things can
help you extend your life span, there are also many factors that play a role in how
long you live.

Small Changes for a Big Impact on Your Health
Those factors include your genetics, health conditions, lifestyle habits, and your
social relationships. But even if you have excellent genetics, you may not live as
long as someone with a similar age and health profile.
The best thing you can do is make small, incremental changes that will have an
impact on your health. That way, you won’t feel overwhelmed by trying to change
everything at once, and you can make small tweaks over time that will add up to big
For example, you could start exercising more often by taking a 15-minute walk each
day or by eating a more healthy diet with less red meat and processed foods. Those
simple shifts can have a major effect on your health and lifespan, says Dr. Pacheco.
Get plenty of sleep every night to keep your body functioning properly. Not getting
enough rest can lead to serious problems, including weight gain and depression. So
try to get at least eight hours of sleep a night.
Eat a healthy, balanced diet that’s high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low in
sugar, fat and salt. Studies show that people who eat this type of diet are less likely
to develop cancer, heart disease and diabetes than those who eat less healthy diets.
Avoid smoking, a leading cause of death that is linked to chronic lung and
cardiovascular disease. Smoking can also accelerate aging and decrease your
quality of life.

5 Ways to Live a Longer and Healthier Life - Influencive
Reduce your stress levels by identifying your stressors and working to eliminate
them. Staying calm can boost your immune system, lower blood pressure and
improve sleep quality. You can also practice meditation, which is an easy and free
way to de-stress.
Keeping a journal or writing in a diary is a great way to focus on yourself and reduce
your stress levels. You can also find out what activities or hobbies are most
satisfying to you and spend more time doing them.
Take time to be with family and friends, and find people who will support you and
encourage you to live a longer, healthier life. Having strong social ties can increase
your life expectancy and reduce your risk of developing disease, according to
numerous studies.
A good night’s sleep can keep you from becoming obese, developing diabetes or
having heart problems. It can also reduce your risk of stress-related illnesses, such
as depression and anxiety.

Forgetting to brush your teeth can make you more prone to tooth decay, so be sure
to floss every day. This can prevent cavities and other oral health issues that can
shorten your life.
Quitting smoking can add years to your life, as long as you quit before the age of 40.
And if you’re already a smoker, it can cut your risks for heart disease and cancer by
up to two-thirds, a new study finds.