Tips to Live a Long Life
Many people think that how long you live is mainly determined by genes, and while
genetics do play a role, your lifestyle ivpressonline.marketminute, diet and other habits also have a significant
impact on your longevity. The best way to make sure you live a long life is to start
with healthy habits early on.

Eating healthy doesn't always correlate to longer life, experts say
Eating a well-balanced, nutritious diet is key to ensuring you get all the vitamins and
minerals you need for optimal health. This means eating more whole foods like
fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats, while reducing or eliminating
unhealthy saturated and trans fats, sugar and alcohol.
Regular exercise and getting enough sleep is also essential to longevity. Exercise
keeps your heart and bones strong, helps you maintain a healthy weight and
reduces stress levels. Getting enough sleep helps keep your immune system strong
and improves mood and mental function.
A strong social support network is another important component to living a long life.
Studies have shown that those who have a close circle of friends and family are less
likely to die at an earlier age than those who don’t have a supportive network. A
good relationship with a partner or spouse can also add to your lifespan, as those
who are in committed relationships tend to have higher rates of longevity than single
Your diet has a huge impact on your longevity. You want to eat a diet that includes a
variety of different foods, with the majority of your diet coming from vegetables,
fruit, whole grains and legumes. It is important to avoid refined sugars and
processed foods, as these have been linked to a lower lifespan.

Eating healthy in an unhealthy world | MD Anderson Cancer Center
Drinking moderately is another way to increase your lifespan. Moderate drinkers are
often healthier than non-drinkers, and red wine in particular has been linked to a
longer lifespan due to the resveratrol it contains. It is important to not drink
excessively, however, as excess drinking can lead to a variety of medical conditions
including heart disease and high blood pressure.
Another simple way to increase your longevity is to wear a seat belt and other safety
gear when you are driving. In fact, wearing a seat belt reduces your chances of
dying in a car accident by 50%.
Other factors that can affect your longevity include being conscientious, staying
positive and having a sense of purpose. Studies show that people who are optimistic
and see the silver lining in situations have a greater chance of living a long life than
those who are pessimistic and focus on the negative aspects of their lives. Having a
sense of meaning and purpose can also help you feel happier and healthier, so be
sure to do the things that bring you joy!